Saturday, March 16, 2013


Yesterday morning we got to the Shubert at 7:50am and were 7th and 8th in line for rush tickets. People ahead of us had been there for a long time -- they had blankets and looked like they'd camped out. Around 9:55, I spotted a friend that worked down the street and we started talking and said that she didn't think Matilda was doing rush today and then found the proof on Twitter. At that point we had waited so long that we just decided to get tickets. It's the last show on the list of shows we HAD to see, so we bought seats in the box. The people that had been camped out were FURIOUS when they got up to the window in the box office. But people don't understand that the box office has nothing to do with what the production decides on in terms of rush policies.

I went into this show completely blind. I've never seen the movie or read the book. And because of my insane dislike of children, everyone kind of assumed I wouldn't like it. But OH MY GOODNESS the show was incredible.

From the set to the lighting to the sound effects, the production itself was interesting and exciting to watch. The music was a little inconsistent -- a few showstoppers, but no song knocked me off my feet. The story is cute and I found myself being able to relate to different characters here and there.

There was not one performance that I wasn't pleased with. All actors were great and, even though it was obvious we were being told a story (and a story-within-a-story at times), I did not find the acting too presentational. The breaking of the fourth wall once or twice was done artfully and adorably because the kid was so cute.

The show, still in previews, just needs a little bit of tech work -- a few mic issues here and there. I was sitting in one of the boxes, and it was fun because I could see in the wings, and at one point some actors come up into the boxes and sing.

Honestly, I don't have too much to say about the show. It was spectacular and a spectacle. I just had a great time watching it and would gladly sit through it again.

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